Red Squirrels, Big Data, and the Birth of Behavioral Ecology

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milam databases

Databases, © Erika L Milam

Series Convenors: Dr Alex Aylward, Dr Hohee Cho, Professor Mark Harrison, Dr Catherine M Jackson, Dr Sloan Mahone


**Please note this seminar will take place in the Lecture Theatre, Faculty of History, George Street,
and NOT at the MFO**


Seminars in the History of Science, Medicine, and Technology

Professor Erika Milam (Princeton)

Red Squirrels, Big Data, and the Birth of Behavioral Ecology

Red Squirrels in the Yukon harvest pinecones and stash them in large middens that they consume over several years. When one squirrels dies, another can inherit their stash. The same might be said of scientists and their archives of behavioral data built on decades of research, whether on squirrels such as these or various other species around the world. Even projects led by a single charismatic individual are sustained through intricate collaborative networks of students, postdocs, and collaborators. Negotiating these networks required establishing norms of data sharing between experts trained in different fields and at different stages of their careers. This talk explores social shifts within this community to computerized records in the 1980s and then the disparate reactions among scientists over calls for open-data sharing in the 1990s and 2000s.