OCHSMT DPhil and ECR Writing Group – Trinity Term 2022

writing group

OCHSMT DPhil and ECR Writing Group – Trinity Term 2022, Weeks 0-8
Seminar Room, 47 Banbury Road, Oxford

Are you an OCHSMT DPhil student or ECR colleague in need of setting aside dedicated writing time within your day? Are you surrounded by well-meaning family members, noisy housemates, or small children, but still have deadlines to meet?

Come write with us, in companionable silence, once a week on
Wednesday mornings between 09:30 and 12:30 (BST)

To join us or for more information, please contact:
Gordon Barrett (gordon.barrett@history.ox.ac.uk)
Angeliki Myrillas-Brazeau (angeliki.myrillas-brazeau@lincoln.ox.ac.uk)